Vorkommen und Gesang der Jankowskiammer (Emberiza jankowskii) in der chinesischen Provinz Jilin

Zhao Zh.J., Nickel H., Groh G. 1994. Journal für Ornithologie 135: 617-620.



At present the known breeding population of Jankowski’s Bunting in Jilin consists of 330 to 430 pairs at three different  sites. Habitat is essentially semi-open country with scattered and low bushes, mainly elm, birch, and pine, always on sandy  ground with open cover of herbs and grasses. A comparison between the song of the meanwhile extinct Soviet population  with those of Jilin revealed conspicuous differences which are probably due to local dialects.


Vorkommen und Gesang der Jankowskiammer (Emberiza jankowskii) in der chinesischen Provinz Jilin