Wärmeliebende Zikaden (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) im südlichen Niedersachsen
Nickel H. 1994. Braunschweiger naturkundliche Schriften 4(3): 533-551.
Records of 66 1eafhopper species in southern Lower Saxony are given, including data on their hast plants
and habitats. 53 species do not at all occur north oftheGerman „Mittelgebirge“ or are very scarce there.
The remaining 13 species occur only locally in Middle Europe; their exact distribution borders are not
yet known.
The causes for the abrupt drop of species numbers towards the north are discussed. One reason is probably
the Iack of certain basiphilic hast plants on the acidic soils of the North-western German plain, another
the decrease of temperature, especially during summer.
Wärmeliebende Zikaden (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) im südlichen Niedersachsen