Zur Verbreitung und Lebensweise einiger Zikadenarten in Niedersachsen und angrenzenden Gebieten
Nickel H. 1997. Göttinger naturkundliche Schriften 4: 151-172.
Records of 60 species of Cicadina in southern and eastern Lower Saxony and adjacent areas of Hesse, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt are given. Data on habitats, host plants, phenology and distribution Iimits in northern Germany are included.
A large proportion of the species documented, mostly of European or Mediterranean distribution, reach their northern Iimits in this area, indicating a gradient of decreasing species number in Central Europe. There are though a small number of pecies which are continentally distributed and reach their western Iimits here, as weil as a few species which are common and widespread in northern and northwestern Europe, but which are mainly confined in Central Europe to the peat ogs of the Northern German Plain and the higher regions of the mountainous areas south of it.
Zur Verbreitung und Lebensweise einiger Zikadenarten in Niedersachsen und angrenzenden Gebieten