Zur Zikadenfauna des Großen Arber im Bayerischen Wald (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha)
Biedermann R., Achtziger R., Freese E., Nickel H., Stöckmann M., Walter S., Witsack W. 2009. Cicadina 10: 113-118.

Contribution to the Auchenorrhyncha fauna of the Großer Arber, Bavarian Forest (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). – The fauna of plant- and leafhoppers of the Bavarian Forest is not well studied. On 30.06.2007 an excursion to the Großer Arber, which is the highest mountain of the range, was organized. In total, 27 species were collected. Together with results from an ongoing project on the altitudinal distribution of plant- and leafhoppers of the Bavarian Forest 50 species are now known to occur at higher elevations (above 1000 m) at the Großer Arber. Additionally, on 01.07.2007 a wet grassland site in the Zellertal near Arnbruck (520 m) was visited and 55 species have been recorded there.
Key words: plant- and leafhoppers, Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha, species list, distribution, mountain, Bavarian Forest, Großer Arber, Bavaria, Germany
Zur Zikadenfauna des Großen Arber im Bayerischen Wald (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha)